CHLOROPHYLL. THE GREEN FUEL THAT RENEWS YOUR CELLS. It contains all the vitality of plants and of the sun. It regenerates tissues and antibodies and boosts the metabolism. Sometimes during periods of change or in Spring and Autumn we feel tired and everything seems like an effort. The cause is often a lack of haemoglobin (the substance that transports oxygen around the body) in the blood. In order to reintegrate it and reactivate cell metabolism, nature offers a truly wonderful ally: chlorophyll. A TONIC AGAINST TIREDNESS. It is a pigment that colours vegetables, absorbs light and stimulates photosynthesis. Its chemical composition is similar to that of haemoglobin, with the difference that in haemoglobin the central atom is iron, while in chlorophyll it is magnesium. When it is lacking, plants turn yellow and begin to wilt. In the same way, if blood is not well-oxygenated in our body we become weak, vulnerable to infections and our tissues begin to suffer the action of free radicals. This is where chlorophyll comes into play. It can be taken in drops or through green vegetables. A treatment with this substance helps combat oxidative stress, accelerates tissue healing, purifies the intestine and strengthens our immune system. But that’s not all: it helps us absorb more calcium, tones muscles, stimulates cell renewal and makes hair and skin look younger. After just a few days the body ‘revives’: we get our energy and good mood back and the skin looks brighter, just like a plant when it receives light, oxygen and nourishment. WHERE CAN WE FIND IT? All green vegetables are rich in chlorophyll (and so are some algae, like spirulina). The darker the leaves, the more they contain, so eat plenty of spinach, chicory, dandelion, broccoli, turnip tops, artichokes, parsley, rocket, kale and curly kale. Chlorophyll is also found in courgettes, peas, barley sprouts, organic green apples – eat with the skin on – and kiwis, packed with vitamin C, which helps the absorption of chlorophyll. Ideally, these vegetables should be enjoyed fresh and raw, in salads or in juices and shakes, because heat affects enzymes and reduces the effectiveness of chlorophyll. Try it in drops, too! Chlorophyll is also available as a liquid extract: drink 10 drops in the morning on an empty stomach, diluted in half a glass of still water. Ask your homeopath or pharmacist! THREE RECIPES FULL OF WELL-BEING. To get your fill of chlorophyll, as well as a food supplement in drops, here are three green drinks to prepare with a juice extractor, blender or shaker. Drink for one month. THREE RECIPES FULL OF WELL-BEING 1) REVITALISES MUSCLES AND SKIN. For a firming snack full of energy that can increase muscle mass and regenerate skin, combine a glass of almond milk and a teaspoon of matcha tea (a green powder packed with antioxidants) in your shaker or blender, mix and drink right away for breakfast or for a snack. Almond milk is a source of magnesium and healthy fats, invaluable for improving the tone and elasticity of tissues. Matcha tea is rich in chlorophyll, selenium, chrome, zinc and vitamins. It is a tonic, like coffee, but doesn’t provoke insomnia or anxiety. 2) AGAINST INFECTIONS AND PAIN. If you often get sick and suffer from pain in the spine and neck, you need a drink that has vitamin C and fibre, as well as chlorophyll, to regenerate bacterial flora in the intestine, boost your immune system and fight inflammation. Put 2-3 turnip greens, one peeled lime, 2-3 curly kale leaves and 2 kiwis in the juice extractor. Complete with a teaspoon of barley grass, full of calcium, iron, potassium, amino acids and enzymes, which helps repair tissue and prevents chronic arthrosis and arthritis. 3) PURIFIES THE LIVER AND BLOOD. To clean liver tissue and remove cholesterol and triglycerides from the blood, drink this detox aperitif before lunch: put a handful of spinach, rocket, chicory, 2 kale leaves and one organic green apple – all packed with potassium and chlorophyll - into the juicer or blender. Add a powdered spirulina tablet to the juice. This is a freshwater alga rich in chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals and vitamins that help regenerate cells, including those of the nervous system.