ETOILAGE. THE REVOLUTIONARY COLOUR EXPERIENCE BY MEDAVITA. Etoilage is the REVOLUTIONARY COLOUR EXPERIENCE BY MEDAVITA that gives hair the radiance and light you have always dreamt of; it is kind to hair, protects it and cuts application times in the salon in half. All women dream of having strong, shiny hair, now they can with Etoilage. Thanks to the exclusive Medavita products, Etoilage guarantees: 1 unparalleled SHINE 2 HAIR THAT IS PROTECTED and healthier 3 development times HALVED Etoilage consists of three technical steps which REVEAL THE NATURAL LIGHT IN EVERY WOMAN’S HAIR. 1. BASE COLOUR. This is the first Etoilage level which highlights, lightens, darkens and covers white hairs. 2. CREATION OF HIGHLIGHTS. This is the second Etoilage level which allows the hairstylist to create highlights which enhance a woman’s features. 3. HIGH IMPACT SHADES. This is the third Etoilage level where the hairstylist can personalise and accentuate the colour, giving hair maximum shine. Etoilage is a colour service which BECOMES A COMPLETE COLOUR PROJECT. 1. Etoilage is Light, Protection and Speed. Colour: Luxviva Color, Choice Color, Choice Color Non Color, Choice Mask. Bleaching: Absolute Blond Paste, Absolute Blond Powder, Absolute Blond Creative Powder, Absolute Blond Creative Powder Plus Treatments for scalp and lengths. Lotion Concentrée, Nutrisubstance, Huile D’Étoile, Prodige. 2. Etoilage Technical Tools I tools Etoilage rendono semplice ed immediato l’apprendimento della tecnica che dimezza i tempi per realizzare il sogno di ogni donna. The Etoilage technique is quick and easy to learn, thanks to these tools which help realise every woman’s dream in half the time. Charme Effect Kit, consisting of a brush and brush cover in curly fleece, produces amazing light effects. It creates natural colour contrasts, gliding gently over the hair. Benefits: time savings, natural effects, gentle on the hair fibre, perfectly blended colours. Charme Flower, an invaluable tool when working freehand to create dramatic, visual effects in the salon. Benefits: look and service which engage the customer. 3. Communication materials that have an immediate impact on customers 1. ETOILAGE INSPIRATIONAL BOOK. 2. SALON MATERIAL. Product glorifier and Etoilage poster, both two-sided and high-impact. Beautiful T-shirts for salon staff. Etoilage window sticker and Etoilage diagnosis chart. - Etoilage Training Resources. ETOILAGE TRAINING SESSIONS illustrate the PHILOSOPHY, METHOD and TECHNIQUE which make Etoilage a unique personalised beauty service for women. They teach how to reveal the natural light in every woman’s hair. A NEW EXPERIENCE which accompanies customers as they choose their own personal beauty project and create their new Etoilage look. The training sessions are divided into 3 steps: 1) The basics of the Etoilage method: light, protection and speed. 2) Etoilage: the innovative service and colour treatment programme that is personalised for every customer. 3) ETOILAGE ADVANCED COURSE. An advanced course into the concepts of hair morphology and colour harmony using the Etoilage diagnosis chart. How to adapt the Etoilage techniques to the customer’s face and personal taste. Final contest. All women want strong, shiny hair. Now they can with Etoilage.