In summer, it’s natural to protect our hair from UV rays, sea salt and wind. In winter, however, we need to protect it from the cold, from sudden changes in temperature, from dry air and humidity. Caring for our hair, like for our skin, should be a must for every season. We have long said that the beauty of our hair depends on its health, on our diet and on using the right products. There are, however, some little tricks that can help us manage our hair during winter.


This is something that can make both scalp and hair suffer. There are some great hats in fashion, in all shapes and colours, but be careful of the material and the size. If a hat is too tight it squashes hair and suffocates the scalp, which produces more sebum when irritated. As for the material, it would be better to avoid large woollen hats that often cause irritating itching and static along the hair length. Use cotton and natural fibres instead. Always take your hat off when you’re indoors to let your scalp breathe.


An annoying effect caused by dry air and wind, but also by constant contact between your hair and jackets, scarves and hats. Electrical charge and continual rubbing against garments damages hair and causes breakage. In this case, the solution is to use products that are extremely nourishing and hydrating, to protect hair from atmospheric and physical stress. Our shampoo and mask from the Nutrisubstance rangeperform this task perfectly. They nourish and hydrate hair without making it heavy. To finish off, we suggest you use Nutritive Repairing Hair Mousse, which noticeably improves the texture of hair, smoothing the surface and increasing body and substance.

Save your color!

Summer sun gives our hair beautiful natural highlights, but unfortunately winter has a completely different effect. During the cold months colour tends to fade and dryness is always just around the corner. The main cause is the high temperature of the water with which we wash our hair, which creates a thermal shock that opens the cuticles, so they no longer reflect the light. The result is dull, faded colour. A natural remedy is to always use warm water when shampooing and slightly colder water when rinsing. When water is too hot it also tends to irritate the scalp, which to defend itself produces more sebum, making hair greasier. The ideal products we suggest are Glowing Shampoo and Glowing Mask from the Choice range. Ideal for all types of hair they give shine and nourish hair without irritating it. They contain blueberry, black cumin and coconut and are the solution for all women who want shiny, brilliant hair that is protected, by restoring the natural barrier and combating dryness.

Dry, damaged hair.

The main factors responsible for dull, damaged hair in winter are the dry air in indoor spaces and the outside environment, hair continually rubbing against clothing, and pollution that deposits fine powder on hair, removing light and shine. The remedy we suggest is Prodige, our brand new complete treatment – intense and immediate – that acts to instantly regenerate hair fibre. Prodige is an in-salon treatment programme, customised according to your hair’s state of health, followed by at-home maintenance for 4 weeks. In 30 days your hair has restored shine, softness and strength. It is suitable for all levels of hair damage, because it acts selectively on the level of wear in the hair fibre. You have to try it!


We can make our hair stronger and more resistant according to what we eat. Salmon, red meat and egg are the super foods that provide our organism with cysteine and lysine, two amino acids that make up the precious keratin that our hair is made of. Eat plenty of pumpkin, broccoli and spinach, which contain mineral salts and antioxidant vitamins, as well as seasonal fruit – especially kiwi – full of vitamin C, but also nuts like almonds and walnuts, full of vitamin E, to oxygenate the scalp, making hair shiny and fighting hair loss.